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Operations Research : Algorithms And Applications

Author: Rathindra P. Sen

It covers all the relevant topics along with the recent developments in the field. The book begins with an overview of operations research and then discusses the simplex method of optimization and duality concept along with the deterministic models such as post-optimality analysis, transportation and assignment models.

Language: English

Publisher: Prentice Hall India

Year of Publication: 2009

Binding Type: PAPERBACK

Number of Pages: 800

MRP: 425 INR

Your Price: 383.00


Operations Research : Algorithms And Applications

It covers all the relevant topics along with the recent developments in the field. The book begins with an overview of operations research and then discusses the simplex method of optimization and duality concept along with the deterministic models such as post-optimality analysis, transportation and assignment models. While covering hybrid models of operations research, the book elaborates PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique), CPM (Critical Path Method), dynamic programming, inventory control models, simulation techniques and their applications in mathematical modelling and computer programming. It explains the decision theory, game theory, queueing theory, sequencing models, replacement and reliability problems, information theory and Markov processes which are related to stochastic models. Finally, this well-organized book describes advanced deterministic models that include goal programming, integer programming and non-linear programming.

[Source: PHI]

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 8 × 1 × 10 cm


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