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Natun Galpa 25

Communication Skills For Engineers And Scientists

Communication Skills For Engineers And Scientists
In today's fast-paced era of information technology, communicating effectively has become an indispensable skill sought after by organizations worldwide. Professionals who possess excellent communication skills are well-equipped to navigate the challenges of the modern professional world, where diverse paths like writing, speaking, reading, and listening converge.
Categories: Graduate and Post-graduate Books, Text Books

Advanced Control Systems

Advanced Control Systems
Designed as a textbook for undergraduate students pursuing courses in Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, and Electronics and Communication Engineering, this book explains the fundamental concepts and design principles of advanced control systems in an understandable manner.
Categories: Graduate and Post-graduate Books, Text Books

Strategic Management: The Indian Context

Strategic Management: The Indian Context
The revised and updated Sixth Edition gives an in-depth and incisive analysis of the basic principles of strategic management. The exposition of these principles is reinforced by seven case studies that encompass the broad spectrum of Indian companies.
Categories: Graduate and Post-graduate Books, Text Books

Doshyu Dinabandhu O Dakat Samagra

Doshyu Dinabandhu O Dakat Samagra
<p style="text-align: justify;">হেমেন্দ্রকুমার রায় রহস্য-রোমাঞ্চ ধারায় যেমন পারদর্শী ছিলেন, তেমনই তাঁর থ্রিলার, গোয়েন্দা বা ঐতিহাসিক লেখা।দস্যু দীনবন্ধু হেমেন্দ্রকুমারের এক অসাধারণ সৃষ্টি। দীনবন্ধু ওরফে বরুণ অসীম ক্ষমতাসম্পন্ন মানুষ। সে পারে না, এমন কিছু নেই। স্বয়ং ভগবান যেন তাকে রক্ষা করেন।</p>
Categories: New Releases, Bengali Fiction, Book Fair, Classics & Literature

Sera Uponyas Samagra 2

Sera Uponyas Samagra 2
Categories: New Releases, Bengali Non-fiction, Book Fair, Others

Sera Uponyas Samagra 1

Sera Uponyas Samagra 1
Categories: Bengali Non-fiction, Book Fair, New Releases, Others

Two And Three Wheeler Technology

Two And Three Wheeler Technology
The inclination towards two wheelers is not newer to the world. From the very beginning, two wheelers are recognized as a mark of triumph, independence and joy. These are considered fast, safe and easy mode of transportation with worthy fuel economy.
Categories: Graduate and Post-graduate Books, Text Books