Surveying volume 2, 5th edition covers the essentials of practical Surveying in line with Civil Engineering graduate courses. It will also be useful to self-studying students and those aspiring for competitive and GATE examinations. The exhaustive theory has been presented in a systematic and point-wise pattern supported with chapter-end exercises. The book is updated with the recent developments in international standards of Surveying. New edition highlights: 1. Includes new topics and most recent updates such as beidou system and remote sensing satellites in India 2. Expanded sections on strength of figure, line scanners, image sensors, and active and Passive sensors 3. In-depth coverage of digital image processing and analysis, GPS, and GIS 4. Supports outcome based learning 5. Exhaustive pedagogy covers 100+ Solved examples, 180+ exercises, 50+ conceptual questions and answers and 200+ objective-type questions 6. Color plates for better visualisation and understanding of devices and mechanisms.
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Surveying Volume 2
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