Earlier two editions of this practice-oriented book have been well accepted over the past decade by students, teachers and professionals. Inspired by the avid response, the author is enthused to bring out the third edition, improving upon the concepts with glimpses of C++11 features. This book presents a unique blending of C++ as one of the most widely used programming languages of today in the backdrop of object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm and modelling. Along with an overview of C++ programming and basic object-oriented (OO) concepts, it also provides the standard and advanced features of C++ for further study. The text establishes the philosophy of OOP by highlighting the core features of C++ and demonstrating the semantic differences between the procedural paradigm of C and the object-oriented paradigm of C++. The present edition updates and elaborates on the following topics: Reference data types Inline functions Parameter passing-passing pointers by value as well as by reference Polymorphism: overloading and overriding Lambda expressions and anonymous functions Rvalue reference, move constructor and assignment operator Phases of software development UML Primarily intended as a text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of engineering, computer applications and management and also to practicing professionals, the book should also prove to be a stimulating study as a reference for all those who have a keen interest in the subject.Table of Contents:Preface Acknowledgements Overview Declarations and Expressions Statements Array, Pointer and Structure Functions Preprocessor Directives Standard C Library Functions and Standard Header Files Data Abstraction through Classes and User-Defined Data Types Operator Overloading Class Relationships Advanced Concepts The Standard Library in C++ Data Structures and Applications in C++ Object-Oriented Design and Modeling Unified Modeling Language Problems (For Laboratory Workouts) Glossary Bibliography Index
[Source: PHI]
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